Christian Radeloff


Quick Facts

  • Name:

    Christian Radeloff
  • Inducted By:

    Charles Radon
This true Superhero last year in December of 2014 helped a woman,who was apparently going through abuse in her relationship. While actually trying to do something different,being in charge of a meeting,he was confronted with a woman,who was suffering from shock,talking the whole time,and while checking her arm,noticed some bruises.After trying to calm her down and even applying some first aid,he decided to call an ambulance in order to get her to see a doctor at a first aid station. This woman,with another person in tow,was totally unknown to Christian,but despite this,he not only called the ambulance but also later on,totally selflessly,accompanied this woman and her "friend" to the hospital,staying there until after 2 am in the morning,not getting any sleep the whole time,but finding out she had bruises all over her body and also making sure she had a place to stay after she left the hospital later on and getting her transportation to this place. The only thanks he ever got for this was from the "friend" of this woman,who had no clue how to deal with this situation,during which he not only stayed level-headed and calm,but had to deal with constant verbal abuse from the victim as well,which was partly due to the shock. Sometimes being a "hero" means knowing when to do the right thing and just doing it.
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Christian Radeloff

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