James Vincent Duruz

James Vincent Duruz

Quick Facts

  • Name:

    James Vincent Duruz
  • Inducted By:

    Christopher Heaney
  • Hometown:

    Issaquah, WA
To his family and friends, James Vincent Duruz was Superman. To the rest of the world, he was something even better: a person who cared. A person who fought hard for art, love, social justice, and high school football; who believed in the power of superheroes to inspire; who walked the boards and broke hearts with his songs and acting; who filmed police harassment and pushed his people to be better; who explored cities by night befriending strangers and making music; who dove for frisbees on Siberian steppes while dressed as his alter ego, Incognito; who built community gardens and planted gardens in so many hearts. Who went down fighting and filled with love. James, we miss you. You are and always will be our hero.
Superman Hall of Heroes Certificate preview
James Vincent Duruz

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